Part Four

Part Four:

   As the great doors opened up to the city, Ana stumbled along as she carried almost a lifeless Arisen. Hobbling up the road to the first shop, two ladies inside took notice to them immediately.

   "Here take this!" One blonde hair woman threw a medicinal herb at Ana. She sat Vinn in her arms in the middle of the streets and took the herb and shoved pieces of it into her wound on her neck. Blood gushed into Ana's hand and she was completely passive about it. She applied pressure to the wound and sat there as the herb healed up the wound. Ana took a white cloth from her pack and wrapped it around Vinn's neck.
Vinn looked around and everything that was once blurry became visual once again. She looked at Ana and smirked, slightly thankful. Damn. Ana adjusted so Vinn's head was on her thigh. "Next time don't over do it, Master."

   Vinn smiled, sat up and attempted to stand. How embarrassing to be laying like a weakling in the streets. As she stood her legs shook and Ana had to grab Vinn so she wouldn't fall back down. Vinn shook her aid off and held her hand on the wall to balance. Ana stood up from her spot on the street.

   Vinn walked carefully to the inn. She used what she could for balance instead of using her pawn. Ana opened the doors of the inn and order for a room. Vinn would rest until morning and Ana would stay by her bedside. Pawns didn't sleep unless a spell put them there.

   Vinn hobbled to the bed and collapsed on her belly with a great sigh she kicked her shoes off and soon fell asleep. Ana watched her Master and then unbuckled Vinn's sword belt and took her shield off  of her arm. Placing them softly at the foot of the bed the sword clanged against the stone floor. Ana walked around the room and she looked out the windows.

   She watched the humans and how they acted with one another. It was different than everything she had ever known. Women acted as if men owned them, never disobeying them and always showing off their assets. Ana looked a crossed the market place where there was an ale house. The girls there were constantly used not just as waitresses but almost as if they were whores. Men were pigs and often threw things at Vinn and Herself. Swearing at them, cursing them out. Ana never understood. In her eyes, everyone was equal. Each woman was treated no different than a man.

   However, being with Vinn made Ana despite men in a sort of way. Pawns easily adapted emotions from their masters. Ana looked down at the sleeping warrior and smiled. She was lucky to have a woman master over a man. Who knows what life would be like with a man for a master.

Part Three

Part Three:

   The wind blew harshly and some clouds rolled in the distance, a storm was brewing. Vinn looked around and made sure that was the last of the goblins. She walked up to the house and pressed her ear to the wooden door, she did not hear a sound. Opening the door carefully, Vinn looked around the small one room building with a fire place which was lit up. The room also had shelves for random objects upon them.
Ana rushed into the room and walked to a chest opening it. "I wonder what's in this?" It was a bottled of mushrooms in some liquid. She picked it up quickly and put in in her pack.

   Vinn rolled her eyes at Ana as she turned around and headed to the barn. The corner or the wall was broken and that was the way Vinn took to enter. She stepped over the crumbled stone and stood inside of the room. She imagined what it would have been to live here. Maybe a family lived here and  the goblins chased them out, or even worse.

   "Master?" Ana peered inside from a window and then she walked to the crumpled wall. "Should we head back to Gran Soren?" Her voice was kind which was weird for a Pawn.

   Vinn turned to exit and walked passed Ana without saying a word. Her steps were hard against the dirt of the path. Ana followed her master without saying anything.

   Vinn couldn't help it but her mind drifted back home. What it was like when the dragon attacked her small fishing village. Vinn was the only woman to grab a sword and defend herself. She didn't once think of running away like a coward would do. Vinn had her heart stolen and was destine to get it back, some how. The great beast would surely demolish a petty human like her.

   The two warriors walked the path back to Gran Soren. About half way back the sun settled beyond the mountains and the shadows grew in depth. Ana pulled out her lantern and kindly lit it and held it up for Vinn to see her way back.

   "Stray from the roads and we'll be soon to find monsters." Ana spoke as she looked to the edges of the path. Ana seemed to hate the dark because she always lit her lantern whenever a shadow cast over her head.

   "I know, Ana. We are fine." Vinn continued to walk without looking about.

   They walked underneath a ruined arch way and suddenly Ana shouted. "Arisen! Help me!"

   Vinn turned around to find that Ana being held by an undead human. Ana dropped her lantern and struggled to get free. Vinn ran back and grabbed the hair of this creature, with a swing of her fist, she slammed her knuckles into its face. The zombified man stumbled back dropping Ana. She grabbed her lantern and hooked it ot her side and she took her sword in her hand.

   Vinn grabbed the hilt of her sword and swung the blade from her hip. As she swung it the blade slashed a crossed the undead's chest and caused him to bleed. He stood up again and tried to grab at Vinn. She blocked him with her shield as she did so her hair got in her face. Unable to see properly Vinn was scratched on her neck several times. Vinn groaned as she soon felt weakened. "Ana!"

   Ana was simply standing there just watching as her master was being attacked. She was frozen as a baby fawn would be. Vinn threw her foe off of her arm and jabbed her sword into his chest. The man rose again and Vinn gave up.

   She had been poisoned and Ana was froze. Vinn ran to Ana and pushed her around. The girl soon fell out of it as she fell to her knees. "Ana get up!" Vinn grabbed Ana'a leather cape pulled her to her feet. Ana sheathed her blade and began to run along side Vinn.

   They got to the gate bridge and Vinn struggled to breathe. Ana took Vinn's arm and helped her walk to the gate.

Part Two

Part Two:

   Vinn drew her broadsword from its sheath and began to run after Ana. The southern wind was strong and Vinn tossed her hair back. The goblin on guard sounded his horn to alert the others. As he did so three goblins ran out of the house and two came around the side and they all shouted at the Arisen and her Pawn. The echo rang in their ears and Ana grunted forward and stabbed him square in the chest. Blood splashed out all over Ana's leather cloak and her sword wielding hand. Vinn ran passed the two of them and up to the three goblins running out of the houses.
   With a simple swing, Vinn whipped her sword from the ground and swung it around to the sky. The three goblins were all hit and tossed upwards. The three filthy men hit the ground and struggled to get up.

   Ana took her sword from the goblins chest and it squirted out blood as the guy let out his last breath. A swift wind caused them both to stagger their steps. One goblin ran to Ana and swung his club at her head, luckily She deflected it with her shield. She quickly slashed the goblin in his stomach. His guts spewed out onto the ground.

   Vinn threw her sword arm around at the three goblins as they got to their feet, chopping two heads off and slitting a throat. The blood squirted out and soaked into her sleeve that protected her arm. That left one.
   "A goblin, Arisen!" Ana shouted and pointed with her shield.

   "I KNOW!" Vinn shouted back at Ana with anger. No shit there's a goblin. Vinn held her shield to the goblin and circled around it. She breathed hard for that she was tired from the run and her swift attacks.
"Stuuupid humaansss," The goblin hissed and growled at them. He swung his club in the air and attacked Vinn. She blocked it with her shield and the club had nail in it and the nail had stuck into the wood of the shield.

   Vinn took her sword and stabbed the goblin in the stomach. He growled and attempted to bite at her. Vinn grunted and twisted her sword back and forth and the blood gushed out from her sword. The goblin soon fell limp.

   Vinn tossed the body off her sword and she stood up drenched in blood. Sheathing her sword she held her hand out to look at it. The blood had still been warm. Vinn was disgusted and shook her hand and the blood flung off partially.

   "We have triumphed!" Ana sheath her sword and smiled rejoicing.

   Vinn looked back at her raising one eyebrow in anger. "Yes, Ana."

Part One

Part One:

   Our adventure begins right in the middle of a dangerous mission. Our main characters are two young fighters, Vinn and Ana. Yes, they are both females.

   Vinn has a tall, bulky build; standing at 5 foot 9 inches. Her strong shoulders help her climb and to make deathly blows to monsters. Vinn's red hair is pinned back by braids with the underside let loose around her shoulders. Her face is composed of very straight nose sort of wide nose with high cheekbones. Vinn has thick lips and quite a bark to her voice. She is not someone to mess with.
   Ana is also tall compared to the women of the time. She hovers over some men at the height of 5 foot 8 inches. It doesn't help that her long boots have a thicker sole than most shoes. Ana has long brown hair that is held back into a high pony tail. She is very different from Vinn. Ana is more feminine with her thin body and her long legs. She has very round eyes and high eyebrows. She looks very elfish.
   After running down the trails from Gran Soren, they were exploring the unmarked areas of their map. Just as they skidded to a stop upon a small hill Vinn stood on the top. She lifted her leg onto a rock and she looked down at a house with a little barn next to it. Clearly she heard the grumblings of goblins below. Ana soon caught up with her and drifted to her side. "Goblins? Arisen." She spoke with a sort of vengeance in her voice.
   "Yes, Ana. Goblins." Vinn smirked and patted Ana on the shoulder. "Don't worry they aren't a problem." Ana is Vinn's Pawn and Pawns aren't the smartest of characters. They don't feel normal expressions of normal humans. They only feel what you have told them to feel.
  "Not with my help," Ana stood tall and spoke highly of herself. She is always boasting, but never when she is in need of help. If she falls and Vinn is to rescue her from death, Ana feels as if she failed at her life. She was only told to feel strength and to triumph over all foes. When she doesn't, Ana shuts down inside and becomes emotionless.
   "We will kill them all." Vinn crossed her arms and allowed herself to catch her breath before running into battle and not having the strength to lift her blade.

   "Yes, Ser." Ana drew her blade and climbed ontop of the rock steadily creeping down to the barn. Vinn shook her head; Stupid Pawn, always running into combat.