Part Two

Part Two:

   Vinn drew her broadsword from its sheath and began to run after Ana. The southern wind was strong and Vinn tossed her hair back. The goblin on guard sounded his horn to alert the others. As he did so three goblins ran out of the house and two came around the side and they all shouted at the Arisen and her Pawn. The echo rang in their ears and Ana grunted forward and stabbed him square in the chest. Blood splashed out all over Ana's leather cloak and her sword wielding hand. Vinn ran passed the two of them and up to the three goblins running out of the houses.
   With a simple swing, Vinn whipped her sword from the ground and swung it around to the sky. The three goblins were all hit and tossed upwards. The three filthy men hit the ground and struggled to get up.

   Ana took her sword from the goblins chest and it squirted out blood as the guy let out his last breath. A swift wind caused them both to stagger their steps. One goblin ran to Ana and swung his club at her head, luckily She deflected it with her shield. She quickly slashed the goblin in his stomach. His guts spewed out onto the ground.

   Vinn threw her sword arm around at the three goblins as they got to their feet, chopping two heads off and slitting a throat. The blood squirted out and soaked into her sleeve that protected her arm. That left one.
   "A goblin, Arisen!" Ana shouted and pointed with her shield.

   "I KNOW!" Vinn shouted back at Ana with anger. No shit there's a goblin. Vinn held her shield to the goblin and circled around it. She breathed hard for that she was tired from the run and her swift attacks.
"Stuuupid humaansss," The goblin hissed and growled at them. He swung his club in the air and attacked Vinn. She blocked it with her shield and the club had nail in it and the nail had stuck into the wood of the shield.

   Vinn took her sword and stabbed the goblin in the stomach. He growled and attempted to bite at her. Vinn grunted and twisted her sword back and forth and the blood gushed out from her sword. The goblin soon fell limp.

   Vinn tossed the body off her sword and she stood up drenched in blood. Sheathing her sword she held her hand out to look at it. The blood had still been warm. Vinn was disgusted and shook her hand and the blood flung off partially.

   "We have triumphed!" Ana sheath her sword and smiled rejoicing.

   Vinn looked back at her raising one eyebrow in anger. "Yes, Ana."