Part Four

Part Four:

   As the great doors opened up to the city, Ana stumbled along as she carried almost a lifeless Arisen. Hobbling up the road to the first shop, two ladies inside took notice to them immediately.

   "Here take this!" One blonde hair woman threw a medicinal herb at Ana. She sat Vinn in her arms in the middle of the streets and took the herb and shoved pieces of it into her wound on her neck. Blood gushed into Ana's hand and she was completely passive about it. She applied pressure to the wound and sat there as the herb healed up the wound. Ana took a white cloth from her pack and wrapped it around Vinn's neck.
Vinn looked around and everything that was once blurry became visual once again. She looked at Ana and smirked, slightly thankful. Damn. Ana adjusted so Vinn's head was on her thigh. "Next time don't over do it, Master."

   Vinn smiled, sat up and attempted to stand. How embarrassing to be laying like a weakling in the streets. As she stood her legs shook and Ana had to grab Vinn so she wouldn't fall back down. Vinn shook her aid off and held her hand on the wall to balance. Ana stood up from her spot on the street.

   Vinn walked carefully to the inn. She used what she could for balance instead of using her pawn. Ana opened the doors of the inn and order for a room. Vinn would rest until morning and Ana would stay by her bedside. Pawns didn't sleep unless a spell put them there.

   Vinn hobbled to the bed and collapsed on her belly with a great sigh she kicked her shoes off and soon fell asleep. Ana watched her Master and then unbuckled Vinn's sword belt and took her shield off  of her arm. Placing them softly at the foot of the bed the sword clanged against the stone floor. Ana walked around the room and she looked out the windows.

   She watched the humans and how they acted with one another. It was different than everything she had ever known. Women acted as if men owned them, never disobeying them and always showing off their assets. Ana looked a crossed the market place where there was an ale house. The girls there were constantly used not just as waitresses but almost as if they were whores. Men were pigs and often threw things at Vinn and Herself. Swearing at them, cursing them out. Ana never understood. In her eyes, everyone was equal. Each woman was treated no different than a man.

   However, being with Vinn made Ana despite men in a sort of way. Pawns easily adapted emotions from their masters. Ana looked down at the sleeping warrior and smiled. She was lucky to have a woman master over a man. Who knows what life would be like with a man for a master.